
Here you can find all methods. Please use the filters on the left hand side and choose the criteria you are looking for.

Minecraft: Building new realities

Visionary Festival: Shaping the future

Youthcast: Podcasting by the youth

Youth Talk: Handing over the mic

Click Click: Photo-Voicing

Flower of Support: Visualizing networks

Body Map: Embodied Storytelling

Local Youth Council: Letting youth decide


Living Library

Citizen OS


Open Space

adhocracy +

Online Debate / E-Consultation

Online Citizen Proposal / E-Petition

Interactive Online Event



Image guided exchange of experience

Focus Group

Future Workshop

Dragon Dreaming

Agenda Conference

Lightning Decision Jam

Pro Action Café

Online Poll / Online Voting

Wisdom Council / Citizens’ Council / Bürger:innenrat

Citizens´ Assembly

Traffic Light

Lego® Serious Play®

Red Couch

Annotable Digital Map

Card Sorting

Dotmocracy / Dot Voting

Carousel Speed Dating / Impromptu Networking

BarCamp / Unconference

Asset Mapping / Community Mapping