Designing meaningful and inclusive public participation with PartiCipate

PartiCipate is your One-Stop-Shop to create inclusive participation strategies that combine both digital and in-person methods.


Do you want to get an overview of digital, analogue and blended participation methods? Our toolbox offers method cards, case studies and digital tools.

Participation in fragility

Are you planning to initiate a participation journey but are not certain how and where to start?

Open source Platforms

Are you looking for platforms you can use to apply digital participation methods? We have developed an overview of solutions that are free, open source and ready to use.
Watch the experience of this Kyrgyz community in setting up their participation journey

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Pciture of Sameh Al-Assali
As part of a permanent and historical partnership between the municipality of Nablus and GIZ, the municipality of Nablus has adopted the digital public participation platform CONSUL. We believe that CONSUL is going to be pivotal tool to promote effective and co-creative citizen participation in the decision-making process. Our motto is: We all have the right to participate.
Sameh Al-Assali
Head of customer care at the municipality of Nablus
We use the platform Adhocracy+ to recognize youth needs, their ideas, and proposals on youth promotion via organizing polls and surveys amongst local youth. The platform serves as a feedback system between the municipality and local youth.
Edilbek Tokonbaev
Head of the Balykcy Youth Center under the Mayor’s Office, Kirgizstan
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