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Test 3
1. The goal of my participation process is…?
A) To inform citizens (e.g. on a topic, decision, project, etc.)
B) To support discussions and exchange of ideas on a specific issue or topic
C) To find consensus on a (controversial) issue
D) To strengthen general cooperation with the local community
E) To collect citizens’ feedback (e.g. on a specific project, policy or strategic program, etc.)
F) To let citizens (co-)create solutions to a specific problem
G) To let citizens vote on specific projects, policy options, ideas, etc.
H) To let citizens prioritize various options, e.g. of a policy, or different projects
2. Is your process targeting a specific group?
A) My process should be open to everyone interested in the issue
B) I want to carry out a random selection
C) I only want to target the citizens directly affected by the issue
D) I want to target NGOs/CSOs as representatives of the citizens
E) I want to target marginalised/minority groups (such as women, refugees, persons with disabilities etc.)
F) I want to target children and youth
3. Are the participants of your process experienced with citizen participation?
All Items
A) Most of the participants are used to taking part in participation processes
B) Most of the participants have taken part in a participation process at least once
C) Most of the participants are not used to participation processes at all
D) I am not sure
4. Are the participants of your process experienced with digital participation?
All Items
A) Most of the participants are used to taking part in participation processes digitally
B) Most of the participants have participated in a digital participation process at least once
C) Most of the participants are not used to digital participation processes at all
D) I am not sure
5. Are you experienced with digital participation processes?
All Items
A) I have already carried out several complex digital participation processes
B) I have already carried out several online events or workshops
C) I have already been involved, for instance as a moderator, in one or two digital processes
D) I am experienced with citizen participation processes but not digital ones
E) I do not have any experience with citizen participation in general
6. What will be the main communication channels with your target group during the process?
A) Online via an internet browser on a computer/laptop
B) Online via an internet browser on a mobile phone
C) Online via a dedicated digital participation platform
D) Online via an app (e.g. WhatsApp, Facebook) on a mobile phone
E) Online via Email communication
F) Via face-to-face events or interaction
G) A combination of several online and offline communication channels
H) I don’t know yet
7. How many participants do you intend to involve?
All Items
A) Less than 25
B) Between 25 and 50
C) Between 50 and 100
D) More than 100
E) More than 1000
8. What is the intended duration of the process (without preparation and follow-up)?
All Items
A) One day or less
B) One to several days
C) Over several weeks
D) Ongoing
9. Do you intend to cooperate with active CSOs or local-decision makers during your participation process?
All Items
A) Yes, mainly with NGOs/CSOs
B) Yes, mainly with local decision-makers
C) Yes, with both of them
D) No
E) I don’t know yet
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