Participation in Action: Kyrgyzstan

The Prospects for Youth projects. Image: GIZ KG

What does participation in action look like? In a new series, we will showcase successful examples of projects that used PartiCipate to set up their participatory projects.

In Kyrgyzstan, the “Prospects for Youth” project, in which Azamat Abdurakhmanov worked as an Advisor has wrapped up in the end of 2022, but there are many lessons to be shared. The project inspired young people to participate in sharing their opinions and voices through the use of mobile internet. After answering the PartiCipate questionnaire, Azamat was able to come up with ideas on how to advise the local municipality make citizen participation a priority in the area. This enables local government to reach a digital target group and to foster digital transformation in national legislation too.  

In a slideshow with a summary of the most important questions to ask and lessons learned, you can learn more about the case. For example, Azamat recommends focusing on raising public awareness and on making sure to engage youth from the beginning. It is also important, he says, to work closely with municipalities and to make sure that the results of a digital participation journey arrive at the decision makers.

Watch the video of the experience in Kyrgyzstan here and have a look at the knowledge that Azamat would like to share below. 


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